Saturday, June 18, 2005

Inner Hours

What is it about the hours following Midnight, but before 6 AM? When those in my time zone are deep in slumber I am awake. My mind turning to philosophical and Biblical matters. These are my Inner Hours. It's during these hours that I am at my most profound. If I am spending these hours with a close friend, I will speak words of wisdom that stay with me for the rest of my life. It's during these hours that I solve the world's problems, invent practical items that could make me rich....if I did anything with them, discover new uses for old was during these hours I thought of using our egg slicer to slice mushrooms & works great! All my thoughts are not profound, but they do feel profound in that moment.

I'm comtemplative, analytical, serene & open to new thoughts and ideas. Issues that have nothing to do with me are made clear during these Inner Hours. For example, NBC's Today Show has dropped in the ratings. I don't ever watch this show, but the other night I came to a conclusion that makes sense. The Today Show is still as great as it has ever been, I've heard from people who watch the show....the problem is NBC's Primetime lineup. If folks are watching NBC before they go to bed, then when they get up in the morning and turn on their tv's they will still be watching NBC. The core of this issue is that folks are watching CBS, ABC or cable at night before bed, when they get up in the morning their tv's are still tuned to CBS, ABC or cable......they just watch their morning news on those stations and don't bother changing the channel. If NBC would improve their Primetime lineup, The Today Show's ratings would improve. See, it makes perfect sense, right? These are the types of thoughts that flow through my mind during those Inner Hours.

Tonight I am still up because I'm afraid to go to bed. I'm dealing with a tummy virus and it has awoken me many times with intense pain. So, here I sit ruminating; Donkey from Shrek grinning at me from my cpu, fuzzy babies making sleepy noises as they chase bunnies and mice in their sleep, a lone bird singing outside the window calling for the sun to rise, Butchy snoring softly - only the top of her head sticking out of the comforter, our injured sparrow softly answering the other sparrows that are now singing for the coming sun.

Inner Hours.....coming to a close.
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Location: Tacoma, Washington, United States

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I'm older than Rolling Stone magazine, younger than color television, bigger than a Xbox, smaller than a Winnebago, taller than a goat, shorter than a horse, wider than a parking meter, "narrower" than The Space Needle, serious as a heart attack, sillier than the tickles, smarter than the average bear, dumber than my Mom, prettier than dirt, "uglier" than a sunset, anal as an accountant, laid-back as a slug, darker than white chocolate, lighter than butterscotch pudding, louder than a whisper, "quieter" than a fog horn
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